
Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Niche It, Niche It Good!

A second key to online success is to work the small,
profitable niche's.

I'll give you an example.

I wanted to buy a DVD player. Yes, I'd held out long
enough and was ready to embrace the "new" technology!

BUT, I didn't want another box under my TV. So I
went looking for a DVD/VCR combo.

I found one I liked and took it home from the store.

I'm a happy bunny. The Lord Of The Rings is just
spectacular! :-)

OK, back to the niche.

If you search Google for "home business" (without typing
the quotes) you get 6.8 Million results.

If you search Google for "DVD VCR combo" (without typing
the quotes) you get 61,000 results.

Now, if you earn 2% per sale on a $400 DVD/VCR combo
from your local electrical retailers website, that's $8
per sale.

And there's very little competition.

Work the Niche :-)

I recommend Mini Site Profits by Phil Wiley for learning
about cashing in on mini sites...

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 06.40

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